Techsalerator Covers all Points of interest of companies in United Kingdom (Business/Company Data) in its United Kingdom B2B POI Database.
For info contact us at info@techsalerator.com or via https://www.techsalerator.com/request-a-quote
We can select the Perfect set based on location, revenue, number of employees, revenue, years in business as well as 40 other fields.
We cover all the following elements on the businesses + 200 more fields :
UniqueID |
UniversalPublicationId |
CompanyName |
TradeName |
DirectoryName |
Address1 |
Address2 |
PostCode |
City |
CityCode |
Province |
ProvinceCode |
Region |
RegionCode |
Country |
CountryCode |
Language |
PhoneOrMobile |
Phone |
DNCMPhone |
Fax |
Mobile |
DNCMMobile |
Website |
WebDomain |
WebSocialMedialinksFacebook |
WebSocialMedialinksTwitter |
GenericLinlkedInLink |
WebsiteIpAddress |
NationalID |
NationalIdentificationTypeCode |
NationalIdentificationTypeCodeDescription |
NationalIDIsVat |
PrimaryLocalActivityCode |
LocalActivityTypeCode |
MarketabilityIndicator |
YearStarted |
NumberOfFamilyMembers |
CEOName |
CEOTitle |
CEOFirstName |
CEOLastName |
CEOGender |
CEOLanguage |
EmployeesHereReliabilityCode |
EmployeesHereReliabilityCodeDescription |
EmployeesTotalReliabilityCode |
EmployeesTotalReliabilityCodeDescription |
EmployeesHere |
EmployeesTotal |
Latitude |
Longitude |
LegalStatusCode |
LegalStatusCodeDescription |
StatusCode |
StatusCodeDescription |
SalesVolume |
Currency |
SalesVolumeDollars |
SalesVolumeEuros |
SalesVolumeReliabilityCode |
Product | Price | Quantity | Options |
Features |
Availability: |
Price |
Options |
Actions |